Personal History

Date of birth: May 21, 1941

Birthplace: Santiago, Chile

Nationality: Chilean

Residence: Denmark


Biochemistry, University of Chile, 1964.

PhD in Biochemistry. University of Iowa, 1965-1968.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England. Under J.D. Smith S. Brenner and F. Crick, 1971-1975.

Employment history

1970-1973: Assistant professor at the Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Chile.

1973-1975 Member of the staff of the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England.

1975-1986: Associate professor, Biostructural Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark.

1986: Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark.

1987-2001: Professor and Chairman, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark.

1989-1990: Chairman, Aarhus University Bioregulation Research Centre, Denmark.

1991-2001: Chairman, Danish Centre for Human Genome Research, Aarhus, Denmark.

2001-2014: Scientific Director, Institute of Cancer Biology, Danish Cancer Society Copenhagen, Denmark.

2002-2014: Coordinator, Danish Centre for Translational Breast Cancer Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2014-2021 Associated Scientific Director of the Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2022-2023 Guest Researcher at the Danish Cancer Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2023- Advisor to the Science Policy Committee of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences (EACS).

Other appointments and responsibilities

Chairman of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Council (1997-1999).

Secretary General of the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) (1999 – 2007).

President of the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC/EMBO) (2000-2003).

President of the European Life Sciences Forum (ELSF) (2001-2007).

Vice President of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) (2002).

Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) (2003).

Member of the Working Group established by Commissioner Busquin to coordinate cancer research in Europe (2003).

President of the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) (2005-2007).

Member of the FP7Advisory Group on Health Research (2006-2012).

Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Oncology (2007-2021).

Member of the EC Working Group on World-class Infrastructures (2007).

Leader of the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC) WP 8 (2008).

Member of the Board of the Organization of European Cancer Institute’s OECI) (2008-2012). 

Chairman of the Policy Committee of the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) (2008-2014).

Member of the ERA Expert Group on World-class Research Infrastructures for the European Research Area (ERA) (2008).

Chair of the European Partnership Action Against Cancer (EPAAC) research coordination work package (2009).

Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of Gustave Roussy (2009).

Co-leader of Scientific Coordination of the Horizon 2020 EurocanPlatform project (2011).

President of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) (2011-2014).

Vice-President of the Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe (2011-2014).

Chairman of the Science Policy Committee of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences (EACS) (2014-2021).

Advisor to the Board of Cancer Core Europe (2014).

Advisor to the Scientific Panel for Health in Horizon 2020 (2015).

Member of the European Commission Research, Innovation and Science Experts (RISE) a high-level group of policy experts who advised Commissioner Moedas (2015-2017).

Areas of Research Interest

  • Proteomic strategies for health and disease.
  • Translational research in breast and bladder cancer.
  • Science policy (evidence-based advice to inform policy).


1.    Proteomics in cell biology and translational cancer research

Professor Celis, a pioneer in the field, is widely acknowledged as one of the founders of proteomics ( His group’s groundbreaking work introduced protein identification techniques to map HeLa cell proteins and developed the first protein database in 1981. The group laid the groundwork for proteomics by annotating the databases with information gathered from applications to cell biology problems, particularly cell proliferation and transformation. In collaboration with J. Vandekerckhove, he introduced large-scale protein identification using microsequencing. The group also used several cell biology techniques and published Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, which contains comprehensive state-of-the-art protocols essential for research in life sciences.

Later, in close collaboration with pathologists and surgeons, the group’s significant focus on translational cancer research led to insightful analyses of bladder and breast tumors. Their expertise was instrumental in identifying markers within the context of translational research and contributed to the characterization of the breast tumour interstitial fluid, a promising source of biomarkers.

These studies provided invaluable insights into the complexities of translating discoveries into clinical applications. They also underscored the urgent need for science policy engagement, encouraging us to provide evidence-based advice to inform policy.

In addition to the above scientific accomplishments, Prof. Celis trained numerous graduate and postdoctoral scientists and technical people.

1.    Science Policy Activities

Creation of the ERC

As Secretary General of FEBS, Prof. Celis, in collaboration with EMBO (Frank Gannon), EMBL (Fotis Kafatos) and ELSF (Kai Simmons), initiated a European, interdisciplinary, and inclusive movement that led to the creation of the European ERC. This institution funds exploratory research projects of excellence at the frontiers of knowledge in all areas of science, inspiring the next generation of scientists. The event of scientists campaigning for funding bottom‐up research by the EU Framework Programs exclusively on scientific grounds was unique in the recent history of European science policy (

The European Cancer Mission

In 2017, prof. Celis and former Lithuanian Minister Dainius Pavalski proposed a Mission on Cancer to Commissioner Moedas based on the activities and aims of the cancer community. The process started right after Commissioner Busquin created the European Cancer Research Area (ECRA) in 2003. In February 2019, the European Competitiveness Council approved the Mission on Cancer in Horizon Europe, and its implementation plan is underway. You can find a detailed description of the process at (

Reaching where we stand today required building communities, identifying leaders, engaging all the relevant stakeholders along the cancer continuum, organizing science, encouraging collaboration between researchers across borders and beyond, promoting interaction and synergies at EU, national and regional levels, providing evidence-based advice to inform policy and speaking with a single voice on wider policy issues.


Recipient of a medal from the College de France (1987).

Recipient of a medal from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile.

Wonderful Copenhagen Congress Organizer of the Year (1998).

Hirai Prize, Japan (1999).

Selected by Barons Who’s Who among the Europe 500 leaders for the new century (2000).

Recipient of a Medal from the Polish Academy of Science (2004).

FEBS Diplôme D’Honneur (2011).

Cancer mission award, best researcher award/ Science Father (2024)

Academic Memberships

Foreign Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

Member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences (Foreign Corresponding Member).

Member of the Academia Europaea.

Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).

Editorial Work

Editor in Chief of Molecular Oncology (2007-2021).

Associated Editor of Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (2001)

Member of the editorial Board of Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment (2001).

Member of the Editorial Board of Molecular Cancer (2005).

Editor of Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook (Elsevier) (1997-2005).

Member of the Editorial Board of Cancer Biomarkers (2005).

Member of the Editorial Board of Cancer Detection and Prevention (2005).

Special advisor to the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Nature, McMillan (1997).

Senior editor of FEBS Open Bio (2011).

Other Activities

Member of the Scientific Board of the National Institute of Oncology SAB, Budapest (2023).

Supported Miklós Kásler, former head of the National Institute of Oncology Budapest and Minister of Human Resources in Hungary, in creating the Central Eastern European Academy of Oncology, now connecting 21 countries for international collaboration to decrease present inequalities (2019).

Contributed to the EACS accreditation methodology of Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Excellence (2018).

Member of the International Steering Committee of the Gago Conferences on European Science Policy (2018-).

Member of the EMBO Course Committee (2013).

Member of the EAGLES group of the European Federation of Biotechnology (2009).

Proposed to the European Cancer Organisation (ECCO) the creation of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences (2009).

Proposed to the European Cancer Organisation (ECCO) the creation of the Science Policy Committee (2008).

Member of the Advisory board of CREATE Health, Lund, Sweden (2007).

Member of the European Commission working group on World Class infrastructures (2007).

Member of the FP7 Advisory Group on Health Research (2006).

Chair of the review panel of the Finnish Centre’s of Excellence in Cell Biology¨ (2005).

Member of the Advisory Board of the Friedrich Meischer Institute in Basel, Switzerland (until 2004).

Chairman of the Federation of European Cancer Societies Working Group to lobby for cancer in the European Union Framework Programme 7 (2004).

Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Medical Technology in Tampere, Finland (2003).

Organizer of a meeting with scientists, policy, and decision‐makers at UNESCO in Paris to convince the European Commission to allocate economic support for the analysis of collaboration among institutes for translational cancer research (2003).

Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Medical Technology in Tampere, Finland (2003).

Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas. (CNIO), Madrid, Spain (2002).

Chair of the Review panel of Finnish Academy professors (2001).

Danish representative to the World Alliance of Cancer Research Organizations (2001).

Member of the EMBO electronic information committee (2001).

Danish representative to the World Alliance of Cancer Research Organizations (2001).

Member of the Education Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) (2000).

Founding member of the Council of the London Diplomatic Academy (2000).

Proposed the creation of the Science Policy Committee of the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) (1999).

Member of the International Board of Advisors of the Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas (ICBM). Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile (1998).

Leader of the Danish delegation to the Mega science Forum on Bioinformatics (1996).

Advisor to the European Union on International Nucleotide Sequence Databases 1996).

Danish delegate to the EMBL Council (1994-2004).

Chairman of the Nordic Molecular Biology Organization (NOMBA) (1990 -1994).

Chair to the Symposium and Prize Committee of the Danish Cancer Society.

European Union Observer to the International Nucleotide sequence database collaboration.

Danish representative to the World Alliance of Cancer Research Organizations (2001-).

Secretary of the first PhD program Committee in Biochemistry in the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile (1971).

Organization of Congresses

Chief Organizer of the 25th FEBS Congress in Copenhagen (1998).

Chair of the Scientific Committee and Organizer of the First HUPO Annual Congress, Versailles, France (2002).

Co-organizer of the ASBMB/IUBMB meeting in Boston (2004).

Chief organizer of the 22nd EACR Congress, Barcelona, Spain (2012).

Organization of Courses, Meetings, and Conferences

Chief Organizer of the EMBO course on “Nonsense Mutations and tRNA Suppressors”, Aarhus (1978).

 Chief Organizer of NATO Summer School on “Transfer of Cell Constituents into Eukaryotic Cells”, Portugal (1981).

Chief Organizer of a FEBS Course on “High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins”, Aarhus (1981).

Chief Organizer of an EMBO workshop on “Standardizing a Numbering System for Human and Mouse Proteins Separated by Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis”, Denmark (1981).

Chief Organizer of NATO Summer School on “Gene Expression in Normal and Transformed Cells”, Portugal (1982).

Co-organizer of a FEBS Laboratory course on “Selected Techniques in Cell Biology”, Austria (1983).

 Chief Organizer of NATO/Gulbenkian Foundation/FEBS International Summer School on “Cell Transformation”, Portugal (1984).

Chief Organizer of the Danish Research Academy and Bioregulation Research Centre laboratory course on “Basic and Specialized Techniques in Cell Biology”, Aarhus (1989).

Chief Organizer of FEBS-IUB-Bioregulation Research Centre Course on “Protein Databases Based on the Analysis of 2D gels”, Aarhus (1989).

Chief Organizer of International Course on “Basic and Specialized Techniques in Cell Biology” (for technical staff), Aarhus (1990).

Chief Organizer of FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on “the Organization and Dynamics of the Cytoskeleton”, The Fuglsø Centre, (1990).

Chief Organizer of FEBS Practical Course on “Basic and Specialized Techniques in Cell Biology”, Aarhus (1990, 1991, 1992, 1993).

Chief Organizer of the 1st Annual Symposium of the Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, (1993).

Chief Organizer of the NOMBA Symposium on “Control of Gene Expression”, The Fuglsø Centre, (1994).

Chief Organizer of FEBS Practical Course on “Techniques in Cell Biology”, Aarhus (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997).

Chief organizer of EMBO Workshop “Frontiers of Molecular Biology”, Copenhagen (1997).

Co-organizer of EMBL Summer School on “Molecular Biology”, Fuglsø, (1997).

Chief Organizer 25th FEBS Congress, Copenhagen (1998).

Co-organizer of FEBS/EMBO Practical Course on “2D and Mass Spectrometry for Proteomic Research in Cell Biology”, Aarhus and Heidelberg, (1999).

Co-organizer Danish Cancer Society Symposium, Copenhagen, (1999).

Co-organizer of EMBO/FEBS Practical Course on “2D PAGE and Mass Spectrometry in Cell Biology”, Aarhus and Heidelberg, (2000).

Co-organizer international ICRO training course on “Techniques for the Study of Functional Genomics”, Santiago, Chile, (2000).

Chair of the Scientific Committee of the First HUPO Annual Congress, Versailles, France (2002).

Co-organizer Danish Cancer Society Symposium (2003).

Co-organizer of the Danish Society Cancer Symposium (2004).

Co-organizer of the ASBMB/IUBMB meeting in Boston (2004).

Co-organizer of a conference honoring the life and legacy of the late José Mariano Gago (1948- 2015), European Parliament, Brussels (2016).

Co-organizer of the first Gago Conference, Porto, Portugal (2018).

Co-organiser of a Conference at the Vatican Academy of Sciences,” Boosting the Social Impact of Innovative Cancer Research” (2018).

Co-organizer of the Cancer Core Europe Summer School in Translational Cancer Research (2021).

Co-organizer of the The Porto European Cancer Research Summit. Porto, Portugal (2021).

Co-organizer of the 5th Gago Conference on European Science Policy, Heidelberg, Germany (2022).

Co-organizer of a Conference at the Vatican jointly organized by the European Academy of Cancer Sciences and the Vatican Academy of Sciences,” Strategies to decrease inequalities in cancer therapeutics/care and prevention” (2023).

Relation with Chilean scientists participating in meetings in Europe

During his tenure as Secretary General of FEBS (1999-2007) and President of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) (2011-2014), Prof. Celis played a pivotal role in connecting Chilean scientists to participants of the FEBS and EACR Congresses, providing them with invaluable opportunities to showcase their research on global platforms.


Transfer of Cell Constituents into Eukaryotic Cells (1980). J. E Celis, A. Graesmann, and A. Loyter.

Nonsense Mutations and Transfer Ribonucleic Acid Suppressors (1st Edition) (1984). Julio E. Celis and John D. Smith.

Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins. (1st Edition) 1984. Julio Celis and Rodrigo Bravo.

Cell Transformation (1985). Julio Celis and Adolf Graessmann.

Micro injection and organelle transplantation techniques. Methos and Applications 1986). J. E. Celis, A. Graessmann, A. Loyter.

Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook (2005)., Julio Celis, Nigel Carter, Kai Simons, J. Small, Tony Hunter and David Shotton.


About three hundred and eighty publications, including nine books, which according to Google Scholar have received to date 22873 citations (h-index = 78, i10-index = 245).

The site: presents a complete publication list.

1.     J Celis, U Ringborg. From the creation of the European research area in 2000 to a Mission on cancer in Europe in 2021‐lessons learned and implications. Molecular Oncology 18 (4), 785-792, 2024

2.     U Ringborg, J von Braun, J Celis, M Baumann, A Berns, A Eggermont et al. Strategies to decrease inequalities in cancer therapeutics, care and prevention: Proceedings on a conference organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the European and the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, Vatican City, February 23-24, 2023. Molecular Oncology 18 (2), 245-279, 2024

3.     M Baumann, J Celis, U Ringborg, M Heitor, A Berns, T Albreht, .et al. Engaging European society at the forefront of cancer research and care: How discussions at the 5th Gago Conference on European Science policy led to the Heidelberg Manifesto. Molecular oncology 17 (6), 925-945, 2023

4.     JE Celis, U Ringborg, A Berns, T Albreht, E Garralda, M Baumann. Engaging European society at the forefront of cancer research and care. Mol Oncol Jun;17(6):925-945, 2023

5.     U Ringborg, A Berns, JE Celis, M Heitor, J Tabernero, J Schüz, et al. The Porto European cancer research summit 2021. Molecular oncology 15 (10), 2507-2543, 2021

6.     KR Sipido, F Antoñanzas, J Celis, L Degos, R Frackowiak, V Fuster, et al. Overcoming fragmentation of health research in Europe: lessons from COVID-19. Lancet. 395(10242):1970-1971, 2020

7.     A Berns, U Ringborg, JE Celis, M Heitor, NK Aaronson, N Abou‐Zeid, et al. Towards a cancer mission in Horizon Europe: recommendations. Molecular oncology 14 (8), 1589-1615, 2020

8.     P Madsen, HV Nielsen, P Andersen, JE Celis. Cyclin (Pcna): A Ubiquitous Cell Cycle Regulated Protein with a Role in Dna Replication. Growth Regulation and Carcinogenesis, 14-18, 2020

9.     JE Celis, P Madsen. The cyclin (PCNA) probe of the cell cycle. Growth Regulation and Carcinogenesis, 3-12. 1               2020

10. KR Sipido, F Antoñanzas, J Celis, L Degos, R Frackowiak, V Fuster, et al. Overcoming fragmentation of health research in Europe: lessons from COVID-19: Lancet 395(10242), 1970-1971, 2020

11. A Berns, U Ringborg, A Eggermont, M Baumann, F Calvo, A Eggert, et al.. Towards a cancer mission in Horizon Europe. Molecular oncology 13 (11), 2301-2304, 2019

12. JE Celis. Appointment of new section editors. Molecular Oncology 13 (11), 2299, 2019

13. AMM Eggermont, G Apolone, M Baumann, C Caldas, JE Celis, et al. Cancer Core Europe: a translational research infrastructure for a European mission on cancer. Molecular oncology 13 (3), 521-527, 2019

14. JE Celis, M Heitor. Towards a mission‐oriented approach to cancer in Europe: an unmet need in cancer research policy. Molecular oncology 13 (3), 502-510, 2019

15. U Ringborg, JE Celis, M Baumann, A Eggermont, CP Wild, A Berns. Boosting the social impact of innovative cancer research–towards a mission‐oriented approach to cancer. Molecular oncology 13 (3), 497, 2019

16. F Calvo, G Apolone, M Baumann, C Caldas, JE Celis, F de Lorenzo, et al. Cancer Core Europe: a European cancer research alliance realizing a research infrastructure with critical mass and programmatic approach to cure cancer in the 21st century. European Journal of Cancer 103, 155-159, 2018

17. HO Adami, A Berns, JE Celis, E de Vries, A Eggermont, A Harris, e al.. European academy of cancer sciences–position paper. Molecular oncology 12 (11), 1829-1837, 2018

18. JE Celis. Welcome to our new Section Editors. Molecular Oncology 12 (10), 1659, 2018

19. U Ringborg, JE Celis. Thomas Tursz (1946–2018). Molecular Oncology 12 (9), 1413, 2018

20. U Ringborg, J Celis, A Eggermont, A Berns. European academy of cancer sciences—designation of comprehensive cancer centres of excellence. European Journal of Cancer 93, 138-139, 2018

21. JE Celis, D Pavalkis. A mission‐oriented approach to cancer in Europe: a joint mission/vision 2030. Molecular oncology 11 (12), 1661-1672, 2017.

22. JE Celis, J Moreira. Molecular Oncology journal has moved to open access. Molecular Oncology 11 (2), 123, 2017

23. A Rajan, A Berns, U Ringborg, J Celis, B Ponder, C Caldas, D Livingston, et al. Excellent translational research in oncology: a journey towards novel and more effective anti‐cancer therapies. Molecular oncology 10 (5), 645-651, 2016

24. JE Celis, U Ringborg. Cancer Core Europe: a first step towards a virtual cancer institute in Europe? Molecular Oncology 8 (7), 1161, 2014

25. JE Celis. A personal account of the early stages of proteomics at Aarhus University. Journal of Proteomics 107, 31-38, 2014

26. JE Celis, JM Gago. Shaping science policy in Europe. Molecular Oncology 8 (3), 447-457, 2014

27. JE Celis. Molecular Oncology. Editorial. Molecular Oncology 7 (4), 739-739, 2013

28. T Cabezon, I Gromova, P Gromov, R Serizawa, VT Wielenga, N Kroman, JE Celis, JMA Moreira. Proteomic profiling of triple-negative breast carcinomas in combination with a three-tier orthogonal technology approach identifies Mage-A4 as potential therapeutic target in estrogen receptor negative breast cancer. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12 (2), 381-394, 2013

29. JE Celis, JMA Moreira. Challenges and opportunities in oncoproteomics. Molecular Oncology 4 (6), 459,  2010

30. JMA Moreira, T Cabezón, I Gromova, P Gromov, V Timmermans-Wielenga, I Machado, A Llombart-Bosch, N Kroman, F Rank, JE Celis. Tissue proteomics of the human mammary gland: towards an abridged definition of the molecular phenotypes underlying epithelial normalcy. Molecular Oncology 4 (6), 539-561, 2010

31. Gromov, I Gromova, J Bunkenborg, T Cabezon, JMA Moreira, V Timmermans-Wielenga, P Roepstorff, F Rank, JE Celis. 118 Up-regulated proteins in the fluid bathing the tumor cell microenvironment as potential serological markers for early detection of cancer of the breast. European Journal of Cancer Supplements 8 (5), 31, 2010

32. I Gromova, J Celis, T Cabezón, J Moreira, P Gromov, et al. Molecular characterization of apocrine carcinoma of the breast: validation of an apocrine protein signature in a well-defined cohort. European Journal of Cancer Supplements 8 (5), 40, 2010

33. P Gromov, I Gromova, J Bunkenborg, T Cabezon, JMA Moreira, V Timmermans-Wielenga, P Roepstorff, F Rank, JE Celis. Up-regulated proteins in the fluid bathing the tumour cell microenvironment as potential serological markers for early detection of cancer of the breast. Molecular oncology 4 (1), 65-89, 2010

34. JMA Moreira, G Ohlsson, P Gromov, R Simon, G Sauter, JE Celis, et al. Bladder cancer-associated protein, a potential prognostic biomarker in human bladder cancer. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9 (1), 161-177, 2010

35. JE Celis, T Cabezón, JMA Moreira, P Gromov, I Gromova, et al. Molecular characterization of apocrine carcinoma of the breast: validation of an apocrine protein signature in a well-defined cohort. Molecular Oncology 3 (3), 220-237, 2009

36. R Aebersold, C Auffray, E Baney, E Barillot, A Brazma, C Brett, S Brunak, et al, .Report on EU–USA Workshop: How Systems Biology Can Advance Cancer Research (27 October 2008). Molecular oncology 3 (1), 9-17, 2009

37. G Andrejevs, JE Celis, G Guidi, A Peterle, R Sullivan, R Wilson. Tackling cancer in the EU: the role of innovation. Molecular Oncology 3 (1), 18-23, 2009

38. P Gromov, JE Celis, I Gromova, F Rank, V Timmermans-Wielenga, et al. A single lysis solution for the analysis of tissue samples by different proteomic technologies. Molecular oncology 2 (4), 368-379, 2008

39. J Li, P Gromov, I Gromova, JM Moreira, V Timmermans‐Wielenga, F Rank, et al. .Omics‐based profiling of carcinoma of the breast and matched regional lymph node metastasis. Proteomics 8 (23‐24), 5038-5052, 2008

40. JE Celis, SA Carr, RA Bradshaw. New guidelines for clinical proteomics manuscripts. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (11), 2071-2072, 2008

41. JE Celis, P Gromov, T Cabezon, JMA Moreira, E Friis, K Jirström, et al 15-prostaglandin dehydrogenase expression alone or in combination with ACSM1 defines a subgroup of the apocrine molecular subtype of breast carcinoma. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (10), 1795-1809, 2008

42. JE Celis, JMA Moreira. Clinical proteomics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (10), 1779, 2008

43. JMA Moreira, T Shen, G Ohlsson, P Gromov, I Gromova, JE Celis. A combined proteome and ultrastructural localization analysis of 14-3-3 proteins in transformed human amnion (AMA) cells: definition of a framework to study isoform-specific …Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (7), 1225-1240, 2008

44. P Gromov, JMA Moreira, I Gromova, JE Celis Proteomic strategies in bladder cancer: From tissue to fluid and back. PROTEOMICS–Clinical Applications 2 (7‐8), 974-988, 2008

45. N Ambartsumian, J Moreira, JE Celis, E Lukanidin, CJ Olsen. Characterization of Activated Stroma Cells and Externalized Proteins in 3D Human Breast Cancer Model; Apmis 116 (5), 421-421, 2008

46. S Mathivanan, M Ahmed, NG Ahn, H Alexandre, R Amanchy, PC Andrews, et al. Human Proteinpedia enables sharing of human protein data. Nature biotechnology 26 (2), 164-167, 2008

47. JE Celis, I Gromova, T Cabezon, P Gromov, T Shen, et al.Identification of a subset of breast carcinomas characterized by expression of cytokeratin 15: relationship between CK15+ progenitor/amplified cells and pre-malignant lesions …Molecular Oncology 1 (3), 321-349, 2007

48. T Cabezón, JE Celis, I Skibshøj, J Klingelhöfer, M Grigorian, P Gromov, .et al. . Expression of S100A4 by a variety of cell types present in the tumor microenvironment of human breast cancer. International journal of cancer 121 (7), 1433-1444, 2007

49. SØ Würtz, KL Henriksen, A Lykkesfeldt, J Celis, NA Brünner. Integration of new and future biomarkers in the treatment of breast cancer. Ugeskrift for Laeger 169 (36), 2999-3003, 2007

50. OW Petersen, JE Celis. Pathogenesis of breast cancer. Ugeskrift for Laeger 169 (36), 2968-2972, 2007

51. S Bekker-Jensen, K Fugger, JR Danielsen, I Gromova, M Sehested, et al. Human Xip1 (C2orf13) is a novel regulator of cellular responses to DNA strand breaks. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (27), 19638-19643, 2007

52. JE Celis, JMA Moreira, I Gromova, T Cabezon, P Gromov, T Shen, et al. Characterization of breast precancerous lesions and myoepithelial hyperplasia in sclerosing adenosis with apocrine metaplasia. Molecular Oncology 1 (1), 97-119, 2007

53. OW Petersen, JE Celis. Patogenese ved cancer mammae. Ugeskrift for Laeger 169 (36), 2968, 2007

54. JE Celis, I Gromova, P Gromov, JMA Moreira, T Cabezon, E Friis, F Rank. Proteomic strategies to the analysis of breast apocrine carcinomas. FEBS JOURNAL 273, 25-25, 2006

55. P Gromov, I Gromova, JE Celis. Proteomic Analysis by Two‐Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Proteomics for Biological Discovery, 19-46, 2006

56. JE Celis, I Gromova, P Gromov, JMA Moreira, T Cabezón, E Friis, F Rank. Molecular pathology of breast apocrine carcinomas: a protein expression signature specific for benign apocrine metaplasia. FEBS letters 580 (12), 2935-2944, 2006

57. P Gromov, JMA Moreira, I Gromova, JE Celis. Proteomic analysis of urinary fibrinogen degradation products in patients with urothelial carcinomas. Clinical Proteomics 2, 45-65, 2006

58. JE Celis, P Gromov, JMA Moreira, T Cabezon, E Friis, IMM Vejborg, e al.Apocrine cysts of the breast: biomarkers, origin, enlargement, and relation with cancer phenotype. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 5 (3), 462-483, 2006

59. JE Celis, S Trentemølle, P Gromov. Gel-based proteomics: High-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins. Isoelectric focusing and nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis. Cell Biology, 165-174, 2006

60. I Gromova, JE Celis. Protein detection in gels by silver staining: a procedure compatible with mass spectrometry. Cell biology, 219-223, 2006

61. P Gromov, JE Celis, PS Madsen. Transient Expression of cDNAs in COS-1 Cells: Protein Analysis by Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis. Cell Biology, 69-72, 2006

62. JE Celis, JMA Moreira, P Gromov. Determination of antibody specificity by Western blotting. Cell Biology, 527-532, 2006

63. P Gromov, JE Celis. Two-Dimensional Gel Profiling of Posttranslationally Modified Proteins by in vivo Isotope Labeling. Cell Biology, 243-249, 2006

64. P Gromov, JE Celis. Ligand Blot Overlay Assay: Detection of Ca+ 2-and Small GTP-Binding Proteins. Cell Biology, 289-293, 2006

65. JE Celis, P Gromov, JMA Moreira, T Cabezón, E Friis, F Rank, I Gromova. Proteomic approaches to early detection of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research 7 (Suppl 2), S. 42, 2005

66. G Ohlsson, JMA Moreira, P Gromov, G Sauter, JE Celis. Loss of expression of the adipocyte-type fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP) is associated with progression of human urothelial carcinomas. Molecular & cellular proteomics 4 (4), 570-581, 2005

67. JE Celis, JMA Moreira, T Cabezon, P Gromov, E Friis, F Rank, I Gromova. Identification of extracellular and intracellular signaling components of the mammary adipose tissue and its interstitial fluid in high risk breast cancer patients: toward …Molecular & cellular proteomics 4 (4), 492-522, 2005

68. JMA Moreira, G Ohlsson, FE Rank, JE Celis. Down-regulation of the tumor suppressor protein 14-3-3σ is a sporadic event in cancer of the breast. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 4 (4), 555-569, 2005

69. JE Celis, M Korc. Proteomics of Disease. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 4 (4), 345, 2005

70. JE Celis. Obituary–Peter N. Campbell (1921–2005). FEBS Letters 579 (9), 1899, 2005.

71. JE Celis. Peter N. Campbell (1921–2005). The FEBS Journal 272 (6), ii-ii, 2005.

72. JE Celis, JMA Moreira, I Gromova, T Cabezon, U Ralfkiaer, P Guldberg, et al. Towards discovery‐driven translational research in breast cancer. The FEBS Journal 272 (1), 2-15, 2005

73. Abdominal Obesity Study Group, FE Von Eyben, JP Kroustrup, J F Larsen, J Celis. Comparison of Gene Expression in Intra‐Abdominal and Subcutaneous Fat: A Study of Men with Morbid Obesity and Nonobese Men Using Microarray and Proteomics. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1030 (1), 508-536, 2004.

74. P Gromov, JMA Moreira, I Gromova, JE Celis. Proteomic study of urinary FDPs as markers for progression of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (10), S27-S27, 2004

75. JE Celis. Gel-based proteomics: what does MCP expect? Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (10), 949, 2004

76. JE Celis. Proteomics in translational breast cancer research. Radiotherapy And Oncology 73, S195-S195, 2004

77. K Nakamura, R Aebersold, A Bairoch, M Dunn, J Celis, S Hanash, et al. From genome to proteome–aim of human proteomics. Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 76 (10), 1271-1274, 2004

78. JE Celis, B Gesser, K Dejgaard, B Honore, H Leffers, P Madsen, et al. Two dimensional gel human protein databases offer a systematic approach to the study of cell proliferation and differentiation. International Journal of Developmental Biology 33 (4), 407-416, 2004

79. JE Celis, I Gromova, JMA Moreira, T Cabezon, P Gromov. Impact of proteomics on bladder cancer research. Pharmacogenomics 5 (4), 381-394, 2004

80. JE Celis. Promoting basic research in Europe. FEBS letters 563 (1-3), 1-2, 2004

81. JE Celis. Cancer Proteomics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (4), 297, 2004

82. JMA Moreira, P Gromov, JE Celis. Expression of the tumor suppressor protein 14-3-3σ is down-regulated in invasive transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder undergoing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (4), 410-419, 2004

83. JE Celis, P Gromov, T Cabezon, JMA Moreira, N Ambartsumian, et al. Proteomic characterization of the interstitial fluid perfusing the breast tumor microenvironment: a novel resource for biomarker and therapeutic target discovery. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (4), 327-344, 2004

84. JE Celis, I Gromova, F Rank, P Gromov. Proteomics in bladder cancer. Oncogenomics: Molecular Approaches to Cancer, 157, 2004

85. JE Celis. The European Research Council: The ‘Mayor Group’report and the Commission’s views on basic research and its impact. FEBS letters 561 (1-3), 1-2, 2004

86. JP Kroustrup, JF Larsen, J Celis. Comparison of Gene Expression in Intra-Abdominal and Subcutaneous Fat. Ann. NY Acad. Sci 1030, 508-536, 2004

87. JE Celis, I Gromova, J Moreira, T Cabezon, F Rank, P Gromov. Gel-Based Proteomics: An Essential Core Technology In Translational Cancer Research. Proteomics in Cancer Research, 39, 2004

88. JE Celis. A European Research Council for all sciences: a dream that may come true. FEBS letters 555 (2), 179-179, 2003

89. E Celis, P Gromov, I Gromova, JMA Moreira, T Cabezon, et al. Integrating proteomic and functional genomic technologies in discovery-driven translational breast cancer research. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2 (6), 369-377, 2003

90. JE Celis. Clinical proteomics: an emerging discipline in biomedical research. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2 (6), 367, 2003

91. JE Celis. Strong support from the scientific community to the idea of establishing a European Research Council within the Life Sciences. FEBS letters 539 (1-3), 1-1, 2003

92. P Gromov, GL Skovgaard, H Palsdottir, I Gromova, M Østergaard, JE Celis. Protein profiling of the human epidermis from the elderly reveals up-regulation of a signature of interferon-γ-induced polypeptides that includes manganese-superoxide dismutase. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2 (2), 70-84, 2003

93. JE Celis. Life Sciences in the European Research Council^ the Scientist’s Opinion. FEBS Letters 535 (1-3), 2-2, 2003

94. JE Celis, P Gromov. Proteomics in translational cancer research: toward an integrated approach. Cancer cell 3 (1), 9-15, 2003

95. RA Bradshaw, AL Burlingame, JE Celis. HUPO est arrivè….. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2 (1), 1, 2003

96. JE Celis. A role for Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) in the European Research Area (ERA). FEBS letters 531 (3), 383-383, 2002

97. JE Celis. The European Union Sixth Framework Programme (FP6): where we stand and what are the implications of the consultation process. FEBS letters 528 (1-3), 1-2, 2002

98. D Vlies, EHW Pap, JA Post, JE Celis, KWA Wirtz. Endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins of normal human dermal fibroblasts are the major targets for oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. Biochemical Journal 366 (3), 825-830, 2002

99. JE Celis. A new start in Madrid. EMBO reports 3 (8), 718-723, 2002

100.                 PS Gromov, M Østergaard, I Gromova, JE Celis. Human proteomic databases: a powerful resource for functional genomics in health and disease. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 80 (1-2), 3-22, 2002

101.                 JE Celis, P Gromov, M Østergaard, H Pálsdóttir, I Gromova. Protein profiling and proteomic databases. Biomarkers of Disease: An Evidence-Based Approach, 299, 2002

102.                 S Hanash, JE Celis. The Human Proteome Organization: a mission to advance proteome knowledge. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1 (6), 413-414, 95               2002

103.                 J Poland, D Schadendorf, H Lage, M Schnölzer, JE Celis, P Sinha. Study of therapy resistance in cancer cells with functional proteome analysis. Walter de Gruyter 40 (3), 221-234,  2002

104.                 JE Celis, P Celis, H Palsdottir, M Østergaard, P Gromov, H Primdahl, et al. Proteomic strategies to reveal tumor heterogeneity among urothelial papillomas. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1 (4), 269-279, 2002

105.                 I Gromova, P Gromov, JE Celis. bc10: A novel human bladder cancer‐associated protein with a conserved genomic structure downregulated in invasive cancer. International journal of cancer 98 (4), 539-546, 2002

106.                 TF Ørntoft, T Thykjaer, FM Waldman, H Wolf, JE Celis. Genome-wide study of gene copy numbers, transcripts, and protein levels in pairs of non-invasive and invasive human transitional cell carcinomas. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1 (1), 37-45, 2002

107.                 I Gromova, P Gromov, JE Celis. A novel member of the glycosyltransferase family, β3Gn‐T2, highly downregulated in invasive human bladder transitional cell carcinomas. Molecular Carcinogenesis 32(2):61-72, 2001

108.                 P Sinha, J Poland, M Schnölzer, JE Celis, H Lage. Characterization of the differential protein expression associated with thermoresistance in human gastric carcinoma cell lines. Electrophoresis 22 (14), 2990-3000, 2001

109.                 RFL O’Shaughnessy, JP Seery, JE Celis, AM Frischauf, FM Watt. PA-FABP, a novel marker of human epidermal transit amplifying cells revealed by 2D protein gel electrophoresis and cDNA array hybridization. FEBS letters 486 (2), 149-154, 2000

110.                 JE Celis. FEBS in the new millennium. FEBS letters 481 (1), 1-2, 2000

111.                 JE Celis, M Kruhøffer, I Gromova, C Frederiksen, M Østergaard, et al. Gene expression profiling: monitoring transcription and translation products using DNA microarrays and proteomics. FEBS letters 480 (1), 2-16, 2000

112.                 PS Gromov, JE Celis. From genomics to proteomics. Molecular Biology 34, 508-520, 2000

113.                 JE Celis, H Wolf, M Østergaard. Bladder squamous cell carcinoma biomarkers derived from proteomics. Electrophoresis: An International Journal 21 (11), 2115-2121, 2000

114.                 JE Celis, P Gromov. High-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and protein identification using western blotting and ECL detection. Proteomics in Functional Genomics: Protein Structure Analysis, 55-67, 2000

115.                 NA Jensen, MJ West, JE Celis. Oligodendrocyte programmed cell death and central myelination deficiency induced in transgenic mice by synergism between c-Myc and Oct-6. Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (42), 29921-29926, 1999

116.                 C Eliasson, C Sahlgren, CH Berthold, J Stakeberg, JE Celis, C Betsholtz, et al. Intermediate filament protein partnership in astrocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (34), 23996-24006, 1999

117.                 P Madsen, JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, H Vorum, S Anant, P Gromov, et al. Psoriasis upregulated phorbolin-1 shares structural but not functional similarity to the mRNA-editing protein apobec-1. Journal of investigative dermatology 113 (2), 162-169, 1999

118.                 JE Celis, H Wolf, M Ostergaard. Proteomic strategies in bladder cancer. Iubmb Life 48 (1), 19-23, 1999

119.                 JE Celis, P Celis, M Østergaard, B Basse, JB Lauridsen, G Ratz, et al. Proteomics and immunohistochemistry define some of the steps involved in the squamous differentiation of the bladder transitional epithelium: a novel strategy for identifying ….Cancer research 59 (12), 3003-3009, 1999

120.                 KM Pedersen, B Finsen, JE Celis, NA Jensen. muFKBP38: A novel murine immunophilin homolog differentially expressed in Schwannoma cells and central nervous system neurons in vivo. ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (2), 249-255, 1999

121.                 I Gromova, P Gromov, JE Celis. Identification of true differentially expressed mRNAs in a pair of human bladder transitional cell carcinomas using an improved differential display procedure. ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (2), 241-248, 1999

122.                 M Oestergaard, H Wolf, TF Oerntoft, JE Celis. Psoriasin (S100A7): A putative urinary marker for the follow‐up of patients with bladder squamous cell carcinomas. ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (2), 349-354, 1999

123.                 JE Celis, P Gromov. 2D protein electrophoresis: can it be perfected? Current Opinion in Biotechnology 10 (1), 16-21, 1999

124.                 A Celis, HH Rasmussen, P Celis, B Basse, JB Lauridsen, G Ratz, B Hein, et al. Short‐term culturing of low‐grade superficial bladder transitional cell carcinomas leads to changes in the expression levels of several proteins involved in key cellular activities. ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (2), 355-361, 1999

125.                 G Aboagye‐Mathiesen, P Ebbesen, H von der Maase, JE Celis. Interferon gamma regulates a unique set of proteins in fresh human bladder transitional cell carcinomas. ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (2), 344-348, 1999

126.                 JE Celis, M Ostergaard, HH Rasmussen, P Gromov, I Gromova, et al. A comprehensive protein resource for the study of bladder cancer: http://biobase. dk/cgi‐bin/celis. ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (2), 300-309, 1999

127.                 NA Jensen, MJ West, JE Celis. Nucleic Acids, Protein Synthesis, and Molecular Genetics-Oligodendrocyte programmed cell death and central myelination deficiency induced in transgenic mice by synergism …Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (42), 29921-29926, 1999

128.                 JE Celis, P Celis, M Ostergaard, B Basse, JB Lauridsen, G Ratz, et al. Regular Articles-Tumor Biology-Proteomics and Immunohistochemistry Define Some of the Steps Involved in the Squamous Differentiation of the Bladder Transitional Epithelium: A novel strategy for identifying metaplastic lesions. Cancer Research-Paper Edition 59 (12), 3003-3009, 1999

129.                 JE Celis. Human proteomic databases: a novel resource for functional genomics in health and disease. Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 1 1999

130.                 KM Pedersen, B Finsen, JE Celis, NA Jensen. Expression of a novel murine phospholipase D homolog coincides with late neuronal development in the forebrain. Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (47), 31494-31504, 1998

131.                 DD Leonidas, EH Vatzaki, H Vorum, JE Celis, P Madsen, KR Acharya Structural Basis for the Recognition of Carbohydrates by Human Galectin-7. Biochemistry 37 (40), 13930-13940, 1998

132.                 I Gromova, P Gromov, H Wolf, JE Celis. Protein abundancy and mRNA levels of the adipocyte-type fatty acid binding protein correlate in non-invasive and invasive bladder transitional cell carcinomas. International Journal of Oncology 13 (2), 379-462, 1998

133.                 NA Jensen, JE Celis. Proteomic changes associated with degeneration of myelin‐forming cells in the central nervous system of c‐myc transgenic mice. Electrophoresis 19 (11), 2014-2020, 1998

134.                 H Vorum, P Madsen, I Svendsen, JE Celis, B Honoré. Expression of recombinant psoriasis‐associated fatty acid binding protein in Escherichia coli: Gel electrophoretic characterization, analysis of binding properties. Electrophoresis 19 (10), 1793-1802, 1998

135.                 P Gromov, JE Celis. Rab 11a is modified in vivo by isoprenoid geranylgeranyl. Electrophoresis 19 (10), 1803-1807. 1998

136.                 JE Celis, M Østergaard, NA Jensen, I Gromova, HH Rasmussen, et al. Human and mouse proteomic databases: novel resources in the protein universe. FEBS letters 430 (1-2), 64-72, 1998

137.                 PS Gromov, JE Celis, C Hansen, N Tommerup, I Gromova, P Madsen. Human rab11a: transcription, chromosome mapping and effect on the expression levels of host GTP-binding proteins. FEBS letters 429 (3), 359-364,  1998

138.                 DE Brodersen, M Etzerodt, P Madsen, JE Celis, HC Thøgersen, J Nyborg, et al. EF-hands at atomic resolution: the structure of human psoriasin (S100A7) solved by MAD phasing. Structure 6 (4), 477-489, 1998

139.                 NA Jensen, KM Pedersen, JE Celis, MJ West. Failure of central nervous system myelination in MBP/c-myc transgenic mice: evidence for c-myc cytotoxicity. Oncogene 16 (16), 2123-2129, 1998

140.                 NA Jensen, KM Pedersen, JE Celis, MJ West. Neurological disturbances, premature lethality, and central myelination deficiency in transgenic mice overexpressing the homeo domain transcription factor Oct-6. The Journal of clinical investigation 101 (6), 1292-1299, 1998

141.                 H Vorum, P Madsen, I Svendsen, JE Celis, B Honore. Proteomics and two-dimensional electrophoresis-Expression of recombinant psoriasis-associated fatty acid binding protein in Escherichia coli: Gel electrophoretic …Electrophoresis-An International Journal 19 (10), 1793-1802, 1998

142.                 KM Pedersen, B Finsen, JE Celis, NA Jensen. NUCLEIC ACIDS, PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, AND MOLECULAR GENETICS-Expression of a novel murine phospholipase D homolog coincides with late neuronal development in the forebrain. Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (47), 31494-31504, 1998

143.                 DM Shotton, JE Celis. Preparation of human erythrocyte ghosts. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook 2, 26-33, 1998

144.                 P Madsen, P Gromov, JE Celis. Expression of cDNA clones by coupled in vitro transcription/translation from plasmids containing viral transcription promotors. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, 187-189, 1998

145.                 PS Tung, BI Fritz, JE Celis. Isolation of Sertoli cells and their properties in culture. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook 1, 186-194, 1998

146.                 P von den Driesch, K Modschiedler, H Vorum, JE Celis. Psoriasin enhances neutrophil adhesion to epidermal cells without affecting CD11B/CD18 expression. Journal of Dermatological Science, S176, 1998

147.                 EG Mimnaugh, HY Chen, JR Davie, JE Celis, L Neckers. Rapid deubiquitination of nucleosomal histones in human tumor cells caused by proteasome inhibitors and stress response inducers: effects on replication, transcription …Biochemistry 36 (47), 14418-14429, 1997

148.                 M Østergaard, HH Rasmussen, HV Nielsen, H Vorum, TF Ørntoft, H Wolf, et al. Proteome profiling of bladder squamous cell carcinomas: identification of markers that define their degree of differentiation. Cancer research 57 (18), 4111-4117, 1997

149.                 JE Celis, P Gromov, MS Jensen, HH Rasmussen. 2-D PAGE databases: A global approach to the analysis of the human proteosome in health and disease. FASEB JOURNAL 11 (9), A1132-A1132, 1997

150.                 S Pedersen, JE Celis, J Nielsen, J Christiansen, FC Nielsen.Distinct repression of translation by wortmannin and rapamycin. European journal of biochemistry 247 (1), 449-456, 1997

151.                 JE Celis, P Gromov, M Østergaard, P Madsen, B Honoré, K Dejgaard, et al. Human 2-D PAGE databases for proteome analysis in health and disease: http://biobase. dk/cgi-bin/celis. FEBS letters 398 (2-3), 129-134, 1996

152.                 JE Celis, M Østergaard, B Basse, A Celis, JB Lauridsen, GP Ratz, et al. Loss of adipocyte-type fatty acid binding protein and other protein biomarkers is associated with progression of human bladder transitional cell carcinomas. Cancer Research 56 (20), 4782-4790, 1996

153.                 T Jinquan, H Vorum, CG Larsen, P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, B Gesser, et al. Psoriasin: a novel chemotactic protein. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 107 (1), 5-10, 1996

154.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, H Vorum, P Madsen, B Honore, H Wolf, et al. Bladder squamous cell carcinomas express psoriasin and externalize it to the urine. The Journal of urology 155 (6), 2105-2112, 1996

155.                 HH Rasmussen, TF Orntoft, H Wolf, JE Celis. Towards a comprehensive database of proteins from the urine of patients with bladder cancer. The Journal of urology 155 (6), 2113-2119, 1996

156.                 PS Gromov, P Madsen, JE Celis. Identification of isoprenyl modified proteins metabolically labeled with [3H]farnesyl‐ and [3H]geranylgeranyl‐pyrophosphate. Electrophoresis 17 (11), 1728-1733, 1996

157.                 H Vorum, P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, M Etzerodt, I Svendsen, JE Celis, et al. Expression and divalent cation binding properties of the novel chemotactic inflammatory protein psoriasin. Electrophoresis 17 (11), 1787-1796, 1996

158.                 H Leffers, K Dejgaard, B Honoré, P Madsen, MS Nielsen, JE Celis. cDNA expression and human two‐dimensional gel protein databases: Towards integrating DNA and protein information. Electrophoresis 17 (11), 1713-1719, 1996

159.                 G Hynes, JE Celis, VA Lewis, A Carne, S U, JB Lauridsen, KR Willison. Analysis of chaperonin‐containing TCP‐1 subunits in the human keratinocyte two‐dimensional protein database: Further characterisation of antibodies to individual subunits. Electrophoresis 17 (11), 1720-1727, 1996

160.                 J Tan, H Vorum, CG Larsen, P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, B Gesser, et al. Psoriasin: a novel chemotactic protein. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1 (107), 5-10, 1996

161.                 PS Gromov, P Madsen, N Tomerup, JE Celis. A novel approach for expression cloning of small GTPases: identification, tissue distribution and chromosome mapping of the human homolog of rheb. FEBS letters 377 (2), 221-226, 1995

162.                 B Honore, HH Rasmussen, H Vorum, K Dejgaard, XD Liu, P Gromov, et al. … Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein-H, Ribonucleoprotein-H’, And Ribonucleoprotein-F Are Members Of A Ubiquitously Expressed Subfamily Of Related But Distinct Proteins …Journal of Biological Chemistry 270 (48), 28780-28789, 1995

163.                 AD Børglum, T Flint, P Madsen, JE Celis, TA Kruse. Refined mapping of the psoriasin gene S100A7 to chromosome 1cen-q21. Human genetics 96, 592-596, 1995

164.                 S Tabibzadeh, QF Kong, S Kapur, H Leffers, A Ridley, K Aktories, JE Celis. TNF-α induces dyscohesion of epithelial cells. Association with disassembly of actin filaments. Endocrine 3, 549-556, 1995

165.                 H Leffers, K Dejgaard, JE Celis. Characterisation of two major cellular poly (rC)‐binding human proteins, each containing three K‐homologous (KH) domains. European journal of biochemistry 230 (2), 447-453, 1995

166.                 MH Rider, M Puype, J Van Damme, K Gevaert, S de Boeck, J D’Alayer, et al. An agarose‐based gel‐concentration system for microsequence and mass spectrometric characterization of proteins previously purified in polyacrylamide gels starting at low …European journal of biochemistry 230 (1), 258-265, 1995

167.                 P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, T Flint, P Gromov, TA Kruse, B Honoré, et al. Cloning, expression, and chromosome mapping of human galectin-7. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270 (11), 5823-5829, 1995

168.                 AP Vassilev, HH Rasmussen, EI Christensen, S Nielsen, JE Celis. The levels of ubiquitinated histone H2A are highly upregulated in transformed human cells: partial colocalization of uH2A clusters and PCNA/cyclin foci in a fraction of cells Journal of cell science 108 (3), 1205-1215, 1995

169.                 P Madsen, P Gromov, JE Celis. Expression of cDNA clones by coupled in vitro transcription/translation and transfection into COS‐1 cells: Protein mapping in two‐dimensional gels. Electrophoresis 16 (1), 2258-2261, 1995

170.                 E Olsen, HH Rasmussen, JE Celis. Identification of proteins that are abnormally regulated in differentiated cultured human keratinocytes. Electrophoresis 16 (1), 2241-2248, 1995

171.                 J Celis, HH Rasmussen, PS Madsen, H Leffers, E Olsen, B Honoré, et al. Etablering af protein-databaser. Om den funktionelle analyse af det humane genom.(Establishing protein-databases. About the functional analysis of the human genome) Naturens Verden 7, 257-265, 1995

172.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, P Gromov, E Olsen, P Madsen, H Leffers, et al. The human keratinocyte two‐dimensional gel protein database (update 1995): mapping components of signal transduction pathways. Electrophoresis 16 (1), 2177-2240, 1995

173.                 M Desjardins, JE Celis, G Van Meer, H Dieplinger, A Jahraus, G Griffiths, et al. Molecular characterization of phagosomes. Journal of biological chemistry 269 (51), 32194-32200, 1994

174.                 HJ Hoffmann, E Olsen, M Etzerodt, P Madsen, HC Thøgersen, T Kruse, et al. Psoriasin binds calcium and is upregulated by calcium to levels that resemble those observed in normal skin. Journal of investigative dermatology 103 (3), 370-375, 1994

175.                 JQ TAN, H Vorum, B Deleuran, P Madsen, CG LARSEN, B Gesser, et al. Psoriasin Is A Selective Chemokine For Cd4+ T-Lymphocytes And Neutrophils. Journal Of Investigative Dermatology 103 (3), 412-412, 1994

176.                 K Dejgaard, H Leffers, HH Rasmussen, P Madsen, TA Kruse, B Gesser, et al. Identification, molecular cloning, expression and chromosome mapping of a family of transformation upregulated hnRNP-K proteins derived by alternative splicing. Journal of molecular biology 236 (1), 33-48, 1994

177.                 A Celis, JE Celis. General procedures for tissue culture. Cell biology: a laboratory handbook 1, 1-12, 1994

178.                 JE Celis, E Olsen. One-Dimensional Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate–Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Cell Biology, 207-217, 1994

179.                 PS Gromov, JE Celis. Several small GTP‐binding proteins are strongly down‐regulated in simian virus 40 (SV40) transformed human keratinocytes and may be required for the maintenance of the normal …Electrophoresis 15 (1), 474-481, 1994

180.                 HJ Hoffmann, JE Celis. Calcium overlay assay. Cell Biology, 309-312, 1994

181.                 B Honoré, HH Rasmussen, A Celis, H Leffers, P Madsen, JE Celis. The molecular chaperones HSP28, GRP78, endoplasmin, and calnexin exhibit strikingly different levels in quiescent keratinocytes as compared to their proliferating normal and …Electrophoresis 15 (1), 482-490, 1994

182.                 GA Dunn, D Zicha, JE Celis. Using interference microscopy to study cell behaviour. Handbook of Cell Biology, 25-33, 1994

183.                 HH Rasmussen, E Mørtz, M Mann, P Roepstorff, JE Celis. Identification of transformation sensitive proteins recorded in human two‐dimensional gel protein databases by mass spectrometric peptide mapping alone and in combination with …Electrophoresis 15 (1), 406-416, 1994

184.                 DP Dean, MT Cronan, JM Merenda, JP Gardner, PA Connelly, JE Celis. “Spot transfer”, elution and comigration with known proteins allows accurate transferral of protein identifications between distinct two‐dimensional electrophoretic systems. Electrophoresis 15 (1), 540-543, 1994

185.                 M Niederreiter, M Gimona, F Streichsbier, JE Celis, JV Small. Complex protein composition of isolated focal adhesions: A two‐dimensional gel and database analysis. Electrophoresis 15 (1), 511-519, 1994

186.                 J Celis, P Madsen. Synchronization of transformed human amnion cells by mitotic detachment. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, 288-293, 1994

187.                 PS Gromov, JE Celis. Blot overlay assay for the identification of GTP-binding proteins. Cell Biology, 313-316, 1994

188.                 K Dejgaard, JE Celis. Two-dimensional Northwestern blotting. Cell Biology, 339-344, 1994

189.                 JL Tilly, JE Celis. Use of the terminal transferase DNA labeling reaction for the biochemical and in situ analysis of apoptosis. Cell biology: a laboratory handbook 1, 330-337, 1994

190.                 B Bjellqvist, B Basse, E Olsen, JE Celis. Reference points for comparisons of two‐dimensional maps of proteins from different human cell types defined in a pH scale where isoelectric points correlate with polypeptide …Electrophoresis 15 (1), 529-539, 1994

191.                 JE Celis, E Olsen. A qualitative and quantitative protein database approach identifies individual and groups of functionally related proteins that are differentially regulated in simian virus 40 …Electrophoresis 15 (1), 309-344,                 1994

192.                 JC Stinchcombe, WB Huttner, JE Celis. Purification of secretory granules from PC12 cells. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook 1, 557-566, 1994

193.                 TD Allen, MW Goldberg, JE Celis. High resolution scanning electron microscopy in cell biology. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Manual 2, 193-202, 1994

194.                 M Evans, J Celis. Tissue culture of embryonic stem cells. Cell biology: a laboratory handbook 1, 54-67, 1994

195.                 JE Celis, JB Lauridsen, B Basse Determination of antibody specificity by Western blotting and immunoprecipitation. Cell Biology. A Laboratory Handbook 2, 305-313, 1994

196.                 JA Nickerson, G Krockmalnic, S Penman, JE Celis. Isolation and visualization of the nuclear matrix, the nonchromatin structure of the nucleus. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook. Academic Press Inc., Orlando, FL, 622-627, 1994

197.                 JE Celis, G Ratz, B Basse, JB Lauridsen, A Celis. High-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins: isoelectric focusing and nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEPHGE). Cell Biology, 222-230, 1994

198.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, E Olsen, P Madsen, H Leffers, B Honoré, et al. The human keratinocyte two‐dimensional protein database (update 1994): Towards an integrated approach to the study of cell proliferation, differentiation and skin diseases. Electrophoresis 15 (1), 1349-1458, 1994

199.                 B Honoré, H Leffers, P Madsen, JE Celis. Interferon‐γ up‐regulates a unique set of proteins in human keratinocytes: Molecular cloning and expression of the cDNA encoding the RGD‐sequence‐containing protein IGUP I‐5111. European journal of biochemistry 218 (2), 421-430, 1993

200.                 H Leffers, P Madsen, JE Celis. Interferon-γ up-regulates a unique set of proteins in human keratinocytes. European Journal of Biochemistry 218 (2), 421-30, 1993

201.                 H Leffers, MS Nielsen, AH Andersen, B Honoré, P Madsen, et al. Identification of two human Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor proteins whose overexpression leads to disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. Experimental cell research 209 (2), 165-174, 1993

202.                 HH Rasmussen, JE Celis. Evidence for an altered protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathways in psoriasis. Journal of investigative dermatology 101 (4), 560-566, 1993

203.                 H Leffers, P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, B Honore, AH Andersen, et al. Molecular cloning and expression of the transformation sensitive epithelial marker stratifin: a member of a protein family that has been involved in the protein kinase C …Journal of molecular biology 231 (4), 982-998,1993

204.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, E Olsen, P Madsen, H Leffers, B Honoré, et al. he human keratinocyte two‐dimensional gel protein database: Update 1993. Electrophoresis 14 (1), 1091-1097

205.                 J Vandekerckhove, M Rider, HH Rasmussen, S De Boeck, M Puype, et al. Routine amino acid sequencing on 2D-gel separated proteins: a protein elution and concentration gel system. Methods in protein sequence analysis, 11-19, 1993

206.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, H Leffers, P Madsen, B Honoré, K Dejgaard, et al. Human cellular protein patterns and their link to genome DNA mapping and sequencing data: towards an integrated approach to the study of gene expression. Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods, 21-40, 1993

207.                 P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, H Leffers, B Honoré, JE Celis. Molecular cloning and expression of a novel keratinocyte protein (psoriasis-associated fatty acid-binding protein [PA-FABP]) that is highly up-regulated in psoriatic skin and …Journal of Investigative Dermatology 99 (3), 299-305,1992

208.                 S Kwee, B Gesser, JE Celis. Electroporation of human cultured cells grown in monolayers: Part 3. Transformed cells and primary cells. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 343 (1-2), 269-278, 1992

209.                 B Honore, H Leffers, P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, J Vandekerckhove, et al. Molecular cloning and expression of a transformation-sensitive human protein containing the TPR motif and sharing identity to the stress-inducible yeast protein STI1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 (12), 8485-8491, 1992

210.                 L Rønnov-Jessen, JE Celis, B Van Deurs, OW Petersen. A fibroblast-associated antigen: characterization in fibroblasts and immunoreactivity in smooth muscle differentiated stromal cells. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 40 (4), 475-486, 1992

211.                 S Kwee, B Gesser, J Celis. Electropermeabilization of Human Cultured Cells Grown in Monolayers: II. Control of cell proliferation and DNA-replication. Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems—3, 217-223, 1992

212.                 HH Rasmussen, J Van Damme, M Puype, B Gesser, JE Celis, et al. Microsequences of 145 proteins recorded in the two‐dimensional gel protein database of normal human epidermal keratinocytes. Electrophoresis 13 (1), 960-969, 1992

213.                 RJ Simpson, A Tsugita, JE Celis, JI Garrels, H Werner Mewes. Workshop on two‐dimensional gel protein databases. Electrophoresis 13 (1), 1055-1061, 1992

214.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, P Madsen, H Leffers, B Honoré, K Dejgaard, et al. The human keratinocyte two‐dimensional gel protein database (update 1992): Towards an integrated approach to the study of cell proliferation, differentiation and skin diseases. Electrophoresis 13 (1), 893-959, 1992

215.                 CJ Møller, AG Byskov, J Roth, JE Celis, E Bock. NCAM in developing mouse gonads and ducts. Anatomy and embryology 184, 541-548, 1991

216.                 A Draeger, M Gimona, A Stuckert, JE Celis, JV Small. Calponin Developmental isoforms and a low molecular weight variant. FEBS letters 291 (1), 24-28, 1991

217.                 A Draeger, M Gimona, A Stuckert, JE Celis, JV Small. Low-Molecular-Weight Variant of Calponin In Smooth Muscles of The Human Urogenital Tract. Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 12 (5), 485-485, 1991

218.                 M Niederreiter, M Gimona, JE Celis, JV Small. Focal Contacts-Analysis of Protein-Patterns by 2-Dimensional Gel-Electrophoresis. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 12 (5), 492-492, 1991

219.                 P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, H Leffers, B Honoré, K Dejgaard, E Olsen, et al. Molecular cloning, occurrence, and expression of a novel partially secreted protein “psoriasin” that is highly up-regulated in psoriatic skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 97 (4), 701-712, 1991

220.                 PS Gromov, JE Celis. Identification of two molecular chaperons (HSX70, HSC70) in mature human erythrocytes. Experimental cell research 195 (2), 556-559,1991

221.                 JE Celis, HH Rasmussen, H Leffers, P Madsen, B Honoré, B Gesser, et al. Human cellular protein patterns and their link to genome DNA sequence data: usefulness of two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis and microsequencing. The FASEB journal 5 (8), 2200-2208, 1991

222.                 MH Stuiver, JE Celis, PC van der Vliet. Identification of Nuclear Factor IV/Ku autoantigen in a human 2D-gel protein database Modification of the large subunit depends on cellular proliferation. FEBS letters 282 (1), 189-192, 1991

223.                 S Kwee, JE Celis. Electroporation as a tool for studying cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in human cultured cells grown in monolayers. Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics 25 (2), 325-332, 1991

224.                 B Honoré, HH Rasmussen, J Vandekerckhove, JE Celis. Neuronal protein gene product 9.5 (IEF SSP 6104) is expressed in cultured human MRC‐5 fibroblasts of normal origin and is strongly down‐regulated in their SV40 transformed …FEBS letters 280 (2), 235-240,     1991

225.                 HH Rasmussen, J Van Damme, G Bauw, M Puype, B Gesser, JE Celis, et al. Protein-electroblotting and microsequencing in establishing integrated human protein databases. Methods in protein sequence analysis, 103-114, 1991

226.                 JE Celis, H Leffers, HH Rasmussen, P Madsen, B Honoré, B Gesser, et al. The master two‐dimensional gel database of human AMA cell proteins: towards linking protein and genome sequence and mapping information (update 1991). Electrophoresis 12 (11), 765-770, 1991

227.                 HH Rasmussen, J Van Damme, M Puype, B Gesser, JE Celis, et al. Microsequencing of proteins recorded in human two‐dimensional gel protein databases. Electrophoresis 12 (11), 873-882, 1991

228.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, HH Rasmussen, H Leffers, B Honoré, B Gesser, et al. A comprehensive two‐dimensional gel protein database of noncultured unfractionated normal human epidermal keratinocytes: Towards an integrated approach to the study of cell …Electrophoresis 12 (11), 802-810, 1991

229.                 B Honoré, P Madsen, B Basse, A Andersen, E Walbum, JE Celis, et al. Nucleotide sequence of cDNA covering the complete coding part of the human vimentin gene. Nucleic acids research 18 (22), 6692, 1990

230.                 L Rønnov-Jessen, B Van Deurs, JE Celis, OW Petersen. Smooth muscle differentiation in cultured human breast gland stromal cells. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology 63(4), 532-543, 1990

231.                 J Vandekerckhove, G Bauw, K Vancompernolle, B Honoré, J Celis. Comparative two-dimensional gel analysis and microsequencing identifies gelsolin as one of the most prominent downregulated markers of transformed human fibroblast and …The Journal of cell biology 111 (1), 95-102, 1990

232.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, AG Ryazanov. Increased phosphorylation of elongation factor 2 during mitosis in transformed human amnion cells correlates with a decreased rate of protein synthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (11), 4231-4235, 1990

233.                 JE Celis, D Cruger, J Kiil, JB Lauridsen, G Ratz, B Basse, A Celis. Identification of a group of proteins that are strongly up-regulated in total epidermal keratinocytes from psoriatic skin. FEBS letters 262 (2), 159-164, 1990

234.                 JE Celis, B Honoré, G Bauw, J Vandekerckhove. What’s news: Comprehensive computerized 2d gel protein databases offer a global approach to the study of the mammalian cell. Bioessays 12 (2), 93-97, 1990

235.                 LA Norton, KL Andersen, B Melsen, DA Bindslev, JE Celis. Buccal mucosa fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells perturbed by tensile stimuli in vitro. European Journal of Oral Sciences 98 (1), 36-46, 1990

236.                 S Kwee, HV Nielsen, JE Celis. Electropermeabilization of human cultured cells grown in monolayers: incorporation of monoclonal antibodies. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 298 (1), 65-80, 1990

237.                 JE Celis. Staffan Magnusson, 1933–1990. ELECTROPHORESIS 11 (12), 1167-1167, 1990

238.                 JE Celis, B Gesser, HH Rasmussen, P Madsen, H Leffers, K Dejgaard, et al. Comprehensive two‐dimensional gel protein databases offer a global approach to the analysis of human cells: The transformed amnion cells (AMA) master database and its link to …Electrophoresis 11 (12), 989-1071, 1990

239.                 JE Celis, K Dejgaard, P Madsen, H Leffers, B Gesser, B Honore, et al. The MRC‐5 human embryonal lung fibroblast two‐dimensional gel cellular protein database: Quantitative identification of polypeptides whose relative abundance differs between …Electrophoresis 11 (12), 1072-1113, 1990

240.                 G Bauw, HH Rasmussen, MVD Bulcke, JV Damme, M Puype, B Gesser, t al. Two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis, protein electroblotting and microsequencing: A direct link between proteins and genes. Electrophoresis 11 (7), 528-536, 1990

241.                 JE Celis, D Crüger, J Kiil, K Dejgaard, JB Lauridsen, GP Ratz, B Basse, et al. A two‐dimensional gel protein database of noncultured total normal human epidermal keratinocytes: Identification of proteins strongly up‐regulated in psoriatic epidermis. Electrophoresis 11 (3), 242-254, 1990

242.                 G Bauw, J Van Damme, M Puype, J Vandekerckhove, B Gesser, GP Ratz, et al. Protein-electroblotting and-microsequencing strategies in generating protein data bases from two-dimensional gels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (20), 7701-7705, 1989

243.                 JE Celis, AC Denmark. FEBS news. FEBS LETTERS. 259 (1), 225-226,1989

244.                 JE Celis, GP Ratz, P Madsen, B Gesser, JB Lauridsen, S Kwee, et al. Comprehensive, human cellular protein databases and their implication for the study of genome organization and function. FEBS letters 244 (2), 247-254, 1989

245.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, B Gesser, S Kwee, HV Nielsen, HH Rasmussen, et al. Protein databases based on the analysis of two-dimensional gels. Advances in Electrophoresis, 3-179, 1989

246.                 JE Celis, GP Ratz, P Madsen, B Gesser, JB Lauridsen, KPB Hansen, et al. Computerized, comprehensive databases of cellular and secreted proteins from normal human embryonic lung MRC‐5 fibroblasts: Identification of transformation and/or …Electrophoresis 10 (2), 76-100, 1989

247.                 JE Celis, B Gesser, B Honoré, H Leffers, P Madsen, A Andersen, B Basse, et al. Comprehensive, computerized two-dimensional gel human protein databases and their implication in the study of genome organization and function. Electrophoresis Forum 89´, 38-46, 1989

248.                 S Kwee, HV Nielsen, JE Celis, A Celis, P Madsen. Permeabilization of mammalian cells in monolayer culture by electroporation at low electric field strengths. Studia Biophysica 130, 173-176, 1989

249.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, HV Nielsen, B Gesser. Identification of human proteins that are likely components of the common pathway (s) leading to DNA replication and cell division. Hormones, 65-71, 1989

250.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, HV Nielsen, B Gesser, HH Rasmussen, D Cruger. Cyclin/PCNA is a cell cycle modulated nuclear protein with a role in DNA replication. Archivos de biologia y medicina experimentales 21 (3-4), 417-421, 1988

251.                 JE Celis, GP Ratz, A Celis, P Madsen, B Gesser, S Kwee, PS Madsen, et al. Towards establishing comprehensive databases of cellular proteins from transformed human epithelial amnion cells (AMA) and normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Leukemia 2 (9), 561-601, 1988

252.                 PS Madsen, M Hokland, J Ellegaard, P Hokland, GP Ratz, A Celis, et al. Major proteins in normal human lymphocyte subpopulations separated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Leukemia 2 (9), 602-615, 1988

253.                 JE Celis, JB Lauridsen, B Basse. Cell cycle-associated change in the expression of the proliferation-sensitive and heat-shock protein hs× 70 (IEF14): Increased synthesis during mitosis. Experimental cell research 177 (1), 176-185, 1988

254.                 A Celis, P Madsen, HV Nielsen, HH Rasmussen, H Thiessen, et al. Human proteins IEF 58 and 57a are associated with the Golgi apparatus. FEBS letters 227 (1), 14-20, 1988

255.                 J Celis, P Madsen, SU Nielsen, B Gesser, HV Nielsen, GP Ratz, et al. Cyclin (PCNA, auxiliary protein of DNA polymerase-δ), dividin and progressin are likely components of the central pathway leading to DNA replication and cell division in human …Cancer Cells: Eukaryotic DNA Replication, 289-295, 1988

256.                 J Justesen, J Lovmand, J Fleckner, JE Celis. 2′, 5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase-Characteristics and Synthesis in Mdbk Cells Exposed To Huifn-Alpha. Journal Of Interferon Research 7 (6), 728-728, 1987

257.                 JE Celis, J Justesen, PS Madsen, J Lovmand, A Celis. Major proteins induced and down-regulated by interferons in human cultured cells: identification of a unique set of proteins induced by interferon-alpha in epithelial …Leukemia 1 (12), 800-813, 1987

258.                 JE Celis, J Justesen, J Lovmand, P Madsen, GP Ratz, A Celis. Epithelial, Fibroblast and Lymphoid Origin. Journal of Interferon Research 7 (6), 724-724, 1987

259.                 JE Celis, GP Ratz, A Celis. Progressin: A novel proliferation‐sensitive and cell cycle‐regulated human protein whose rate of synthesis increases at or near the G1/S transition border of the cell …FEBS letters 223 (2), 237-242,                    1987

260.                 JE Celis, GP Ratz, A Celis. Secreted proteins from normal and SV40 transformed human MRC-5 fibroblasts: toward establishing a database of human secreted proteins. Leukemia 1 (10), 707-717, 1987

261.                 JE Celis. Toward establishing a database of human protein information derived from the analysis of two-dimensional gels, Leukemia 1 (10), 706, 1987

262.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, A Celis, HV Nielsen, B Gesser. Cyclin (PCNA, auxiliary protein of DNA polymerase δ) is a central component of the pathway (s) leading to DNA replication and cell division. FEBS letters 220 (1), 1-7, 1987

263.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, JB Lauridsen. Mid to late S-phase replication of the nucleolus in lymphoid human Molt-4 cells. Leukemia 1 (7), 568-571, 1987

264.                 G Pallesen, S Nielsen, JE Celis. Characterization of a monoclonal antibody (BG3C8) that reacts with basal cells of stratified epithelia. Histopathology 11 (6), 591-601, 1987

265.                 P Madsen, K Ogata, JE Celis. PCNA (cyclin) autoantibodies and monoclonal antibodies reveal similar patterns of cyclin (PCNA) antigen staining in human cultured cells. Leukemia 1 (3), 220-225, 1987

266.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, S Nielsen, GP Ratz, JB Lauridsen, A Celis. Levels of synthesis of primate-specific nuclear proteins differ between growth-arrested and proliferating cells. Experimental cell research 168 (2), 389-401, 1987

267.                 K Ogata, P Kurki, JE Celis, RM Nakamura, EM Tan. Monoclonal antibodies to a nuclear protein (PCNA/cyclin) associated with DNA replication. Experimental cell research 168 (2), 475-486, 1987

268.                 K Ogata, JE Celis, EM Tan. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen: cyclin. Methods in Enzymology 150, 147-159, 1987

269.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, I Andersen, P Andersen, JL Vayssiere, B Croizat, et al. Anti‐mitochondrial protein antibodies in a serum from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: Specificity and comparison with other anti‐mitochondrial antibodies. Electrophoresis 8 (5), 238-243, 1987

270.                 S Nielsen, A Celis, RG Petersen, JE Celis. Identification of two human phosphoprotein (dividin and IEF 59dl) that are first detected late in G 1 near the G 1/S transition border of the cell cycle. Leukemia 1, 68-77, 1987

271.                 J Celis, P Madsen, A Celis, HV Nielsen, B Gesser. Cyclin (PCNA, auxiliary protein of DNA polymerase-delta: A tightly regulated cell cycle protein with a role in chromosomal DNA replication. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 14 (supplement 1), 23, 1987

272.                 P Madsen, J Celis. Intermediate filaments focal centers and interrelationship with other cytoskeletal systems. Cell cycle and microinjection studies. The cytoskeleton in cell differentiation and development, 231-246, 1987

273.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, S Nielsen, HH Rasmussen. Expression of Cyclin (PCNA) and the Phosphoprotein Dividin are Late Obligatory Events in the Mitogenic. Anticancer Research 7, 605-616, 1987

274.                 JE Celis, P Madsen. Increased nuclear cyclin/PCNA antigen staining of non S‐phase transformed human amnion cells engaged in nucleotide excision DNA repair. FEBS letters 209 (2), 277-283,               1986

275.                 P Madsen, S Nielsen, JE Celis. Monoclonal antibody specific for human nuclear proteins IEF 8Z30 and 8Z31 accumulates in the nucleus a few hours after cytoplasmic microinjection of cells expressing these …The Journal of cell biology 103 (6), 2083-2089, 1986

276.                 JE Celis, S Nielsen. Proliferation-sensitive nuclear phosphoprotein” dividin” is synthesized almost exclusively during S phase of the cell cycle in human AMA cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 83 (21), 8187-8190, 1986

277.                 JE Celis, B Gesser, JV Small, S Nielsen, A Celis. Changes in the levels of human tropomyosins IEF 52, 55, and 56 do not correlate with the loss of actin cables observed in SV 40 transformed MRC-5 fibroblasts. Protoplasma 135, 38-49, 1986

278.                 JE Celis, R Bravo, HP Arenstorf, WM LeStourgeon. Identification of proliferation‐sensitive human proteins amongst components of the 40 S hnRNP particles: Identity of hnRNP core proteins in the HeLa protein catalogue. FEBS letters 194 (1), 101-109, 1986

279.                 JR Feramisco, WJ Welch, JE Celis, A Graessmann, A Loyter. Modulation of cellular activities via microinjection into living cells. Microinjection and Organelle Transplantation Techniques, 40-58, 1986

280.                 J Celis, R Bravo, P Madsen, A Celis. Polypeptide markers of cell transformation: Identification of cyclin (PCNA). International Journal of Radiation Biology 49 (3), 511-512, 1986

281.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, S Nielsen, A Celis. Nuclear patterns of cyclin (PCNA) antigen distribution subdivide S-phase in cultured cells—some applications of PCNA antibodies. Leukemia research 10 (3), 237-249, 1986

282.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, S Nielsen, B Gesser. Malignant transformation and expression of human cellular proteins. Cancer Research, 1-17, 1986

283.                 P Madsen, JE Celis. S‐phase patterns of cyclin (PCNA) antigen staining resemble topographical patterns of DNA synthesis: A role for cyclin in DNA replication? FEBS letters 193 (1), 5-11, 1985

284.                 JE Celis, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, A Celis. Preferential Phosphorylation of Keratins and Vimentin During Mitosis in Normal and Transformed Human Amnion Cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 455 (1), 268-281, 1985

285.                 JE Celis, A Celis. Cyclin (PCNA) is a Component of the Pathway (s) Leading to DNA Replication and Cell Division: A Role in DNA Replication? Cell Transformation, 223-238, 1985

286.                 JE Celis, A Celis. Cell cycle-dependent variations in the distribution of the nuclear protein cyclin proliferating cell nuclear antigen in cultured cells: subdivision of S phase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82 (10), 3262-3266, 1985

287.                 JE Celis, A Celis. Individual nuclei in polykaryons can control cyclin distribution and DNA synthesis. The EMBO journal 4 (5), 1187-1192, 1985

288.                 R Bravo, JE Celis. Changes in the nuclear distribution of cyclin (PCNA) during S-phase are not triggered by post-translational modifications that are expected to moderately affect its charge. FEBS letters 182 (2), 435-440,             1985

289.                 JE Celis, P Madsen, A Celis. Cell Cycle Dependent Variations in the Distribution of the Nuclear Protein Cyclin (Pcna) in Cultured Cells. Protides of the Biological Fluids 33, 139-142, 1985

290.                 JE Celis. Microinjection of somatic cells with micropipettes: comparison with other transfer techniques. Biochemical Journal 223 (2), 281-291, 1984

291.                 JE Celis, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, A Celis. Expression of the transformation-sensitive protein” cyclin” in normal human epidermal basal cells and simian virus 40-transformed keratinocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 81 (10), 3128-3132, 1984

292.                 JE Celis, JV Small, PM Larsen, SJ Fey, J De Mey, A Celis. Intermediate filaments in monkey kidney TC7 cells: focal centers and interrelationship with other cytoskeletal systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 81 (4), 1117-1121, 1984

293.                 JE Celis, R Bravo. Synthesis of the nuclear protein cyclin in growing, senescent and morphologically transformed human skin fibroblasts. FEBS letters 165 (1), 21-25, 1984

294.                 JE Celis, R Bravo, PM Larsen, SJ Fey. Cyclin: a nuclear protein whose level correlates directly with the proliferative state of normal as well as transformed cells. Leukemia research 8 (2), 143-157, 1984

295.                 JE Celis, R Bravo, PM Larsen, SJ Fey, J Bellatin, A Celis. Expression of cellular proteins in normal and transformed human cultured cells and tumors: two-dimensional gel electrophoresis as a tool to study neoplastic transformation and …Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins, 307-362, 1984

296.                 JE Celis, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, A Celis. Gene Expression in Human Epidermal Basal Cells: Changes in Protein Synthesis Accompanying Differentiation and Transformation: Cancer cells. Cancer Cells, 123-135, 1984

297.                 SJ Fey, R Bravo, PM Larsen, JE Celis. Correlation between mouse and human two-dimensional gel patterns: peptide mapping of proteins extracted from two-dimensional gels. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins, 169-189, 1984

298.                 JE Celis, PM Larsen, SJ Fey, R Bravo, A Celis. Cyklin: Proteinet der afslører hurtigtvoksende celler: Naturens Verden. Naturens Verden, 327-335, 1984

299.                 JE Celis, PM Larsen, SJ Fey, A Celis. Phosphorylation of keratin and vimentin polypeptides in normal and transformed mitotic human epithelial amnion cells: behavior of keratin and vimentin filaments during mitosis. The Journal of cell biology 97 (5), 1429-1434, 1983

300.                 SJ Fey, PM Larsen, JE Celis. Evidence for coordinated phosphorylation of keratins and vimentin during mitosis in transformed human amnion cells: phosphate turnover of modified proteins. FEBS letters 157 (1), 165-169, 1983

301.                 SJ Fey, PM Larsen, R Bravo, A Celis, JE Celis. Differential immunological crossreactivity of HeLa keratin antibodies with human epidermal keratins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 80 (7), 1905-1909, 1983

302.                 R Bravo, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, N Coppard, JE Celis. Proteins IEF (isoelectric focusing) 31 and IEF 46 are keratin-type components of the intermediate-sized filaments: keratins of various human cultured epithelial cells. The Journal of cell biology 96 (2), 416-423, 1983

303.                 PM Larsen, SJ Fey, R Bravo, JE Celis. Mouse mitochondrial protein IEF 24: Identification and immunohistochemical localization of mitochondria in various tissues. Electrophoresis 4 (3), 247-256, 1983

304.                 R Bravo, J Bellatin, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, JE Celis. Expression of Cellular Protein in Normal and Transformed Human Cultured Cells. Gene Expression in Normal and Transformed Cells, 263-290, 1983

305.                 P Mose-Larsen, R Bravo, SJ Fey, JV Small, JE Celis. Putative association of mitochondria with a subpopulation of intermediate-sized filaments in cultured human skin fibroblasts. Cell 31 (3), 681-692, 1982

306.                 ME Zajdel-Blair, GE Blair, JE Celis. The synthesis and intracellular localization of adenovirus hexon protein studied by microinjection of mRNA into human cells. Experimental Cell Research 140 (2), 461-464, 1982

307.                 J Bellatin, R Bravo, JE Celis. Changes in the relative proportion of transformation-sensitive polypeptides in giant HeLa cells produced by irradiation with lethal doses of x-rays. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79 (14), 4367-4370, 1982

308.                 R Bravo, JE Celis. Human proteins sensitive to neoplastic transformation in cultured epithelial and fibroblast cells. Clinical chemistry 28 (4), 949-954, 1982

309.                 R Bravo, JE Celis. Up-dated catalogue of HeLa cell proteins: percentages and characteristics of the major cell polypeptides labeled with a mixture of 16 14C-labeled amino acids. Clinical chemistry 28 (4), 766-781, 1982

310.                 R Bravo, R Schafer, K Willecke, H MacDonald-Bravo, SJ Fey, JE Celis. More than one-third of the discernible mouse polypeptides are not expressed in a Chinese hamster-mouse embryo fibroblast hybrid that retains all mouse chromosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79 (7), 2281-2285, 1982

311.                 R Bravo, JV Small, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, JE Celis. Architecture and polypeptide composition of HeLa cytoskeletons: modification of cytoarchitectural polypeptides during mitosis. Journal of molecular biology 154 (1), 121-143, 1982

312.                 R Bravo, SJ Fey, PM Larsen, JE Celis. Modification of vimentin polypeptides during mitosis. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 46, 379-385, 1982

313.                 R Bravo, SJ Fey, J Bellatin, PM Larsen, JE Celis. Identification of a nuclear polypeptide (” cyclin”) whose relative proportion is sensitive to changes in the rate of cell proliferation and to transformation. Progress in clinical and biological research 85, 235-248, 1982

314.                 JE Celis, PW Piper. Compilation of mutant suppressor tRNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 10 (2), r83-91, 1982

315.                 R Bravo, SJ Fey, H Macdonald-Bravo, R Shäfer, K Willecke, JE Celis. Towards Mapping Genes to Chromosomes Using Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins and Somatic Cell Hybridization. Preliminary Studies. Somatic Cell Genetics, 43-54, 1982

316.                 R Bravo, SJ Fey, J Bellatin, PM Larsen, J Arevalo, JE Celis, Identification of a nuclear and of a cytoplasmic polypeptide whose relative proportions are sensitive to changes in the rate of cell proliferation, Experimental cell research 136 (2), 311-319, 1981

317.                 SJ Fey, R Bravo, PM Larsen, J Bellatin, JE Celis. [35S]-methionine labelled polypeptides from secondary mouse kidney fibroblasts: Coordinates and one dimensional peptide maps of some major polypeptides. Cell biology international reports 5 (5), 491-500, 1981

318.                 R Bravo, A Celis, D Mosses, JE Celis. Distribution of HeLa cells polypeptides in cytoplasts and karyoplasts. Cell Biology International Reports 5 (5), 479-489, 1981

319.                 JE Celis, R Bravo. Cataloguing human and mouse proteins. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 6, 197-201, 1981

320.                 JE Celis, PW Piper. Nonsense suppressors in eukaryotes. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 6, 177-179, 1981

321.                 R Bravo, JE Celis. Gene expression in normal and virally transformed mouse 3T3B and hamster BHK21 cells. Experimental cell research 127 (2), 249-260, 1980

322.                 R Bravo, JE Celis. Direct microinjection of rabbit globin mRNA into mouse 3T3 cells. Analysis of the polypeptides synthesized in vivo. Experimental Cell Research 126 (2), 481-485, 1980

323.                 R Bravo, JE Celis. A search for differential polypeptide synthesis throughout the cell cycle of HeLa cells. The Journal of cell biology 84 (3), 795-802, 1980

324.                 JV Small, JE Celis, G Isenberg. Aspects of cell architecture and locomotion. Transfer of cell constituents into eukaryotic cells, 75-111, 1980

325.                 JE Celis. Collection of mutant tRNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 8(1), r23-r29, 1980

326.                 R Bravo, JE Celis Gene-Expression in Normal and Transformed-Cells. Archivos De Biologia y Medicina Experimentales 13 (4), 450-451, 1980

327.                 JE Celis, K Kaltoft, R Bravo. Microinjection of Somatic Cells with Micropipettes and PEG-Erythrocyte Ghost Mediated Microinjection. Transfer of Cell Constituents into Eukaryotic Cells, 1-28, 1980

328.                 R Bravo, Jv Small, JE Celis. Architecture and Polypeptide Composition of Hela-Cell Cytoskeletons-Comparison of the Intermediate-Sized Filament Polypeptides with Those of Other Cells. European Journal of Cell Biology 22 (1), 372-372, 1980

329.                 R Bravo, JV Small, A Celis, K Kaltoft, JE Celis. Tumorigenicity, Actin Cables and Gene Expression in Mouse CLID× CHO Cell Hybrids. Transfer of cell constituents into eukaryotic cells, 275-294, 1980

330.                 JE Celis, JV Small, K Kaltoft, A Celis. Microfilament bundles in transformed mouse CLID X transformed CHO cell hybrids: Correlation with tumorigenicity in Nude mice. Experimental Cell Research 120 (1), 79-86, 1979

331.                 JE Celis. Collection of mutant tRNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 6 (1), r21-r-27, 1979

332.                 JE Celis. Compilation of Mutant TRNA Sequences. Nonsense Mutations and TRNA Suppressors, 333, 979

333.                 K Kaltoft, JE Celis. Ghost-mediated transfer of human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase into deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells by means of polyethylene glycol-induced fusion. Experimental cell research 115 (2), 423-428, 1978

334.                 JE Celis, JV Small, P Andersen, A Celis. Microfilament bundles in cultured cells: Correlation with anchorage independence and tumorigenicity in Nude mice. Experimental Cell Research 114 (2), 335-348. 1978

335.                 JV Small, G Isenberg, JE Celis. Polarity of actin at the leading edge of cultured cells. Nature 272 (5654), 638-639, 1978

336.                 JV Small, JE Celis. Filament arrangements in negatively stained cultured cells: the organization of actin. Cytobiologie 16 (2), 308-325, 1978

337.                 JE Celis, M Squire, K Kaltoft, E Riisom. Search for revertants of the glutamine mischarging mutants of Escherichia coli su + 3 tyrosine suppressor tRNA that are able to insert tyrosine at the …Nucleic Acids Research 4 (8), 2799-2809, 1977

338.                 JE Celis. Injection of tRNAs into somatic cells: search for in vivo systems to assay potential nonsense mutations in somatic cells. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, 178-196, 1977

339.                 PW Piper, M Wasserstein, F Engbaek, K Kaltoft, JE Celis, J Zeuthen, et al. Nonsense suppressors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be generated by mutation of the tyrosine tRNA anticodon. Nature 262 (5571), 757-761, 1976

340.                 K Kaltoft, J Zeuthen, F Engbaek, PW Piper, JE Celis. Transfer of tRNAs to somatic cells mediated by Sendai-virus-induced fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 73 (8), 2793-2797, 1976

341.                 JE Celis, C Coulondre, JH Miller. Suppressor su+ 7 inserts tryptophan in addition to glutamine. Journal of Molecular Biology 104 (3), 729-734, 1976

342.                 JE Celis, M Fink, K Kaltoft. On the use of ultraviolet light to study protein-DNA crosslinking. Nucleic Acids Research 3 (4), 1065-1072, 1976

343.                 PW Piper, J Celis, K Kaltoft, JC Leer, OF Nielsen, O Westergaard. Tetrahymena ribosomal RNA gene chromatin is digested by micrococcal nuclease at sites which have the same regular spacing on the DNA as corresponding sites in the bulk nuclear …Nucleic Acids Research 3 (2), 493-506, 1976

344.                 J Zeuthen, K Kaltoft, F Engbaek, PW Piper, JE Celis. Transfer of Transfer-RNAs Into Somatic-Cells Mediated by Sendai Virus-Induced Fusion. Journal of Cell Biology 70 (2), A141-A141, 1976

345.                 A Ghysen, JE Celis. Joint transcription of two tRNATyr1 genes from Escherichia coli. Nature 249 (5456), 418-421, 1974

346.                 H Inokuchi, JE Celis, JD Smith. Mutant tyrosine transfer ribonucleic acids of Escherichia coli: construction by recombination of a double mutant A1G82 chargeable with glutamine. Journal of Molecular Biology 85 (1), 187-192, 1974

347.                 A Ghysen, JE Celis. Mischarging single and double mutants of Escherichia coli sup3 tyrosine transfer RNA. Journal of molecular biology 83 (3), 333-351, 1974

348.                 A Ghysen, JE Celis, H Blad, SE Butcher, LW Chiao, S Raman, J Allenou, et al. Recommended articles. Journal of Molecular Biology 83 (3), 333-351, 1974

349.                 JE Celis, ML Hooper, JD Smith. Amino Acid Acceptor Stem of E. coli Suppressor tRNATyr is a Site of Synthetase Recognition. Nature New Biology 244 (139), 261-264, 1973

350.                 JE Celis, JD Smith, S Brenner. Correlation Between Genetic and Translational Maps of Gene 23 in Bacteriophage T4. Nature New Biology 241 (109), 130-132, 1973

351.                 JD Smith, JE Celis. Mutant Transfer-RNAs with Altered Specificity of Aminoacylation. Heredity 31 (DEC), 419-419, 1973

352.                 G Alvarez, E Salas, N Pérez, JE Celis. Ø29 Bacteriophage Structural Proteins. Journal of General Virology 14 (3), 243-250, 1972

353.                 JE Celis, TW Conway. T2 DNA-dependent synthesis of bacteriophage-related proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 59 (3), 923-929, 1968

354.                 CC Allende, JE Allende, M Gatica, J Celis, G Mora, M Matamala. The Aminoacyl Ribonucleic Acid Synthetases: I. Properties of the Threonyladenylate-Enzyme Complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 241 (10), 2245-2251, 1966
